Sadly, on Sunday, in Scott County a pregnant woman was injured and suffered a miscarriage when the vehicle she was riding in was broadsided by a pickup truck. The pickup truck failed to yield at the intersection of 220th Street and Highway 13. The driver of the car and the pickup truck driver also suffered minor injuries.
Two more people were killed, and two were seriously injured in a two-car collision on Saturday night near Waubun in Mahomen County, when one vehicle struck another vehicle head-on on Mahomen County Road 2.
In Wright County, a 45-year old man was killed when his motorcycle struck a road sign while traveling west on County Road 106. Another Minnesota motorcyclist was killed on Friday in Pierce County, Wisconsin, when he was thrown from his motorcycle on Highway 29 near River Falls.
Three more motorcyclists were injured Saturday afternoon in Minnesota in Pierce County, near Elmwood. One motorcyclist hit a truck when he lost control of his motorcycle while going around a sharp curve and crossed into oncoming traffic. As he made his way back into the southbound lane, he was hit by another motorcycle. All three motorcyclists were taken by emergency transport from the scene.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of these crashes and their families.
As Memorial Day and Fourth of July quickly approach, it’s critical to use extra caution on Minnesota’s roadways during busy holiday weekends. Here are a few simple, yet powerful things that can decrease your odds of being involved in an accident:
Pay attention. Inattention is one of the leading causes of accidents. Inattention can be caused by many things, including daydreaming, distractions, sleepiness, fatigue, “highway hypnosis,” cell phone use, talking, etc. Paying attention allows you to see, recognize, and avoid potential hazards. Do your best to actually concentrate on what you’re doing while you’re driving, and you’ll be much more likely to see and be able to react to dangerous conditions.
Keep an eye on the other guy. We all make mistakes on the road. Don’t assume that the car next to you won’t make an error. Try to anticipate mistakes other drivers might make to allow yourself a chance to react if a driver does make a mistake. Always allow yourself plenty of braking distance between cars.
Yield anyway. If in doubt, yield. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Remember, no one actually HAS the right of way, until that right of way has been given. It’s not the principle of who should yield, but a safe outcome that matters.
For more good tips on driving safe, visit Roadtrip America’s 70 Rules of Safe Driving.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a serious car accident, you should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. When you’re trying to recover from your injuries, trying to get back to work, and trying to put your life back together, dealing with insurance companies is the last thing you need to worry about. We can help you get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our attorneys, call us at 877-746-5680 or click here to send us an email.
Visit Minnesota Workers' Compensation and Personal Injury Law Firm, Meuser & Associates, P.A., at MeuserLaw.com