Workers’ compensation benefits include medical benefits, wage loss benefits, certain permanency benefits, and rehabilitation benefits. Workers’ compensation, however, does not allow claims for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and other “intangible” losses.
A civil claim against the person who caused the car accident can include the entire amount of your wage loss, all medical expenses you have incurred, any other expenses you may have incurred, plus “intangible” losses, like loss of enjoyment of life, and pain and suffering. If you recover damages against a third-party in a civil liability action, your employer and/or the workers’ compensation insurer may have a subrogation interest to recover some of work comp benefits you’ve been paid.
Make sure you get all the benefits you are entitled to. Call Meuser & Associates at 877-746-5680 or email us here to schedule a free consultation.
Visit our workers' compensation website at MeuserLaw.com!