On March 11, Kare 11 reported that 48 Minnesota State Patrol squad vehicles have been struck on Minnesota roads since December 2008. Apparently, this is twice as many accidents as there were during this time last year.
Moving over a lane is especially important when navigating Minnesota’s snowy, slushy, or icy roads in the late winter and early spring months. It’s very easy to lose control or to have difficulty stopping when road conditions are less than ideal.
If you hit a stopped State Patrol car, you not only risk injuring yourself, but you risk hurting the state patrol officer and other drivers stopped on the side of the road. At the very least, you risk a citation.
State Troopers who are injured as the result of motor vehicle accidents in the course and scope of their employment may be entitled to a number of benefits. First, they may be entitled to benefits through workers’ compensation. They may also have a civil liability claim against the driver who hit them. If the officer’s injuries are serious and disabling, the officer may also be entitled to MSRS disability benefits.
If you’re a state trooper who sustained injuries as the result of a motor vehicle and would like to know what benefits you may be entitled to, contact Meuser & Associates at 877-746-5680 or click here to send us an email to schedule a free consultation.
We have successfully represented a number of state troopers for workers’ compensation benefits, civil liability claims, and MSRS disability benefits.
Visit our website at MeuserLaw.com!